Friday, 8 December 2017

Day 256: I'll be the roundabout, the words will make you out 'n' out...

Maire: After Yes and John Zorn today I wanted to tear my ears off and give up on this challenge but I’m bigger than that (and neither of them appear again).......

Album 896/1031

John Zorn - Spy vs Spy (1989)

All compositions by Ornette Coleman.
  1. "WRU" - 2:38
  2. "Chronology" - 1:08
  3. "Word for Bird" - 1:14
  4. "Good Old Days" - 2:44
  5. "The Disguise" - 1:18
  6. "Enfant" - 2:37
  7. "Rejoicing" - 1:38
  8. "Blues Connotation" - 1:05
  9. "C. & D." - 3:05
  10. "Chippie" - 1:08
  11. "Peace Warriors" - 1:20
  12. "Ecars" - 2:28
  13. "Feet Music" - 4:45
  14. "Broad Way Blues" - 3:42
  15. "Space Church" - 2:28
  16. "Zig Zag" - 2:54
  17. "Mob Job" - 4:24

Golf's verdict: About as difficult a record to get anything out of from one listen as any on this challenge. It is an album of avant-garde jazz. If you remember the sketches from 'The Fast Show' in the 1990s then this is basically the soundtrack!

Máire's verdict: I absolutely 100% hated every single second.

Album 897/1031

Yes - Fragile (1971)

Side one
1."Roundabout"Jon AndersonSteve Howe8:30
2."Cans and Brahms"Johannes Brahms, arr. Rick Wakeman1:38
3."We Have Heaven"Anderson1:40
4."South Side of the Sky"Anderson, Chris Squire8:02
Side two
1."Five Per Cent for Nothing"Bill Bruford0:35
2."Long Distance Runaround"Anderson3:30
3."The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)"Squire2:39
4."Mood for a Day"Howe3:00
5."Heart of the Sunrise"Anderson, Squire, Bruford11:27

Golf's verdict: My views on Yes are well known. They are a travesty. However, if I ever had to listen to a Yes album again it would likely be this one.

Máire's verdict: Absolute shite.

Album 898/1031

Neil Young - Ragged Glory (1990)

All songs written by Neil Young except as noted.
1."Country Home"7:05
2."White Line"2:57
3."F*!#in' Up"5:54
4."Over and Over"8:28
5."Love to Burn"10:00
6."Farmer John"Don HarrisDewey Terry4:14
7."Mansion on the Hill"4:48
8."Days That Used to Be"3:42
9."Love and Only Love"10:18
10."Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)"5:11

Golf's verdict: In which Neil and Crazy Horse demonstrate they still have what it takes to be relevant and able to match those plaid-shirt wearing interlopers from Seattle wall of feedback for wall of feedback. He can even put rude words into song-titles. He's still great though and I enjoyed this a lot.

Máire's verdict: I’m not sure I’ve listened to this before but it was absolute bliss after Yes and Zorn. Definitely a potential Hidden Gem but would need to listen again on a day when I haven’t had my ears buggered with shit music to confirm.

Album 899/1031

United States of America - United States of America (1968)

Side one
1."The American Metaphysical Circus" (Joseph Byrd)4:56
2."Hard Coming Love(Byrd, Dorothy Moskowitz)4:41
3."Cloud Song" (Byrd, Moskowitz)3:18
4."The Garden of Earthly Delights" (Byrd, Moskowitz)2:39
5."I Won't Leave My Wooden Wife for You, Sugar" (Byrd, Moskowitz)3:51
Side two
6."Where Is Yesterday" (Gordon Marron, Ed Bogas, Moskowitz)3:08
7."Coming Down" (Byrd, Moskowitz)2:37
8."Love Song for the Dead Ché" (Byrd)3:25
9."Stranded in Time" (Marron, Bogas)1:49
10."The American Way of Love"
  1. "Metaphor for an Older Man" (Byrd)
  2. "California Good time Music" (Byrd)
  3. "Love Is All" (Byrd, Moskowitz, Rand Forbes, Craig Woodson, Marron)"

Golf's verdict: This one could be a real grower. Very psychedelic, in a Haight-Ashbury/Surrealistic Pillow type way. A potential HIDDEN GEM! to be revisited in 2018.

Máire's verdict: First song reminded me slightly of Cardiacs (high praise indeed) but failed to deliver after that.

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